Stormy Bosom-juggling Tempestuous Ecstasy
by Minerva D'Antoinettalla, whatever (2000)
Won-won, $5.99, ISBN 0-906-33225-U

James Joyce can only wish he wrote this brilliant masterpiece of a romance. Ms L'Amourra has taken the genre to new heights with her creative genius. Stormy Bosom-juggling Tempestuous Ecstasy is a gem in its deliberately incoherent, plotless romantic story, her talent reminiscent of Joyce at his peak. Even more awe-inspiring is the undoubtedly deliberate scarcity of details, allowing the reader free rein in assuming this romance in any setting they want, contemporary, historical, or futuristic. How amazing!

Without any details of the lead characters' looks, we are gifted with the flexibility to imagine who we want in their roles (us, of course, as bosomy willowy independent Ivy Clingy!). Come to think of it, we are also allowed to imagine the plot, because the plot's thinness is a work of genius.

Ms L'Amourra is a genius! She has created a beautiful work where the readers are allowed to let their imagination soar! No plot, no details, nothing but love scenes - and even the love scenes are so beautifully abstract that one can't tell who is on top of whom. How unique! Refreshing! This author clearly redefines the term Interactive Romance - a shooting star in the rising field of romance. Long may Ms L'Amourra reign! Readers will look forward to more plotless, characterless, substanceless work from this clearly classic-in-the-making author.

What are you waiting for? Can you hear your heart screaming to read this book? That's why I've written this glowing review and made this the Hilarity Koffins Top Pick! Click on the full-sized advertisement next to this review to buy this book. NOW.

"This author clearly redefines the term Interactive Romance - a shooting star in the rising field of romance."

"Readers will look forward to more plotless, characterless, substanceless work from this clearly classic-in-the-making author."

Reviewed by Hilarity "I Want My Own Interactive Romance Now!" Koffins

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